Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Wuggie

This is for real.  So go out and buy one, haha.

This quote is from an article that I think helps put things in perspective:

“It's pretty funny, really. People do seem more willing to buy these ridiculous blankets with arms than they are to pay for music these days. I think that's the point.”

Check out the article for a making-of video if you are interested.


Stephen said...

We saw these at Wal-Mart the other night. It's been recommended to me before that I pick one of these up. Now that you have a blog about it I think this is a sign for me...

Maybe I'll ask for one for Christmas. haha

Taumi said...

I kinda want one now...

While watching that video I totally was thinking, "wow, they did a great job finding a guy who looks like rivers, cuz I know the real rivers wouldn't be caught dead on this..." and then it showed the whole band. Wow. And I love the quote. It's probably true. There'll be less pirating on this album.