Sunday, October 4, 2009

I was thinking the other day about all of the wonderful things that God does for us that we don't ever know about. Sometimes I pray for or about things that I will never (as far as I know) see the outcome of. But it's a great thought that by praying for someone far away, you can have an impact on them.

And what about when God does things for us, that we don't even ask for, and in turn don't even notice. It's easy to take those things for granted. I mean, how many times has God saved my oblivious self's life? How many times has God pulled a few strings to make my day a little less stressful, a little happier?
Some of the things in my life that I actually see God's fingerprints on are incredible in their beautiful complexity. And to know that an exponentially greater amount of these gifts could be surrounding me without me even noticing. Well, that's just flipping amazing.


Taumi said...

yes, I often wonder how many timesmy life has been saved without me even noticing it. There have been a few where I have...

KATE said...

I've been thinking about this same thing. How God works everything out in His perfect timing and knows exactly what we need and when and before we even pray, he's answered.